I am finally going to talk about the much anticipated album entitled 5 Seconds of Summer.
I bought 5 Seconds of Summer's debut album at Target so it came with four exclusive tracks and had a special cover.
The colors available for the Target version are blue, yellow, red, and white
The track listing is as follows:
- She Looks So Perfect
- Don't Stop
- Good Girls
- Kiss Me Kiss Me
- 18
- Everything I Didn't Say
- Beside You
- End Up Here
- Long Way Home
- Heartbreak Girl
- Mrs All American
- Amnesia
- Tomorrow Never Dies *
- Independence Day *
- Close As Strangers *
- Out of My Limit *
- Social Casualty **
- Never Be **
- Voodoo Doll **
- Greenlight ***
* Target Exclusive
** Deluxe Edition (available both in stores and online)
*** iTunes Deluxe Edition Bonus Track
It appears that the lads have been busy in the studio with twenty tracks! If you purchase the album in the UK, "English Love Affair" replaces "Mrs All American," and if you purchase the album in Australia, "Lost Boy" replaces "Mrs All American."
If you purchase the deluxe album in Australia, the extra songs are "English Love Affair," "Social Casualty," "Never Be," and "Voodoo Doll."
If you live in Japan and purchase this album, the Japanese edition bonus tracks are "Heartache On the Big Screen," "The Only Reason," "What I Like About You," "Rejects," "Try Hard," "Social Casualty," "Never Be," and "Voodoo Doll."
I think, overall, the album is very strong. I have found myself listening to and liking every track. The only other artist I actually like every single track on the album is One Direction.
5SOS is classified on iTunes as pop, but with piercings, tattoos, edgy style and punk tendencies with a heavy guitar and strong beats on the drums, I kind of classify them as pop punk. But just when I think one song is pop punk, I listen to a song like "Amnesia" and lean more towards pop. Most people would say, "Pick a genre." I don't think they need to. This album shows that this group can sound pop, alternative, and a little rock, all while never losing the identity they have built for themselves these past few years as a band.
I'm really impressed with this record. I love how the boys were involved in the writing of every song because each song is personal and you know it was written for the fans and not just for a spot on the charts.